
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Oral Sex , Drinking Sexual Fluids , Anal Sex

Oral Sex
Though there is no forbiddance on oral sex in Islam, however due to the fact that sexual fluids are impure (najs), therefore oral sex is disliked, but not forbidden.
Drinking Sexual Fluids
Sexual fluids are impure and must not be swallowed or drunk. Since this may cause illness to the individual and can be a huge risk for sexually transmitted diseases and others.
Sexual Positions
There is no restriction as to which sexual position a couple may take, as long as it does not cause either of the partners any harm.

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Anal Sex
Anal sex is forbidden in Islam - the anus serves the purpose of excreting the body's waste materials and sexual intercourse in anus can cause the splinter cells of the rectum to get damaged causing a high risk of sexually transmitted diseases and other diseases. Therefore it should be avoided at all costs.
Group Sex
All forms of group sexual activities are forbidden in Islam. If a man has more than one wife he can not have sexual relationships with both of them at the same time. Each person has rights in Islam, and these rights can not be violated through any relations. Exposing one wife to the other is a violation of both their rights of privacy. Furthermore, it will put both of them at risk of contracting diseases and may even lead to homosexual behavior between the two which is strictly forbidden in Islam for both men and women.
Sexual Display
Activities such as, strip dancing to arouse your partner and dressing up in costumes are not forbidden. Such matters are private matters and left to the discretion of the partners.
Pseudo Mascism
Pseudo Mascism is the practice of physically inflicting harm upon your spouse during or before sexual intercourse and is completely forbidden in Islam in all forms!
Role Playing
Role playing involves activities such as a partner assuming the role of a character and then the partners play along with a 'story line'. Many people find this sexually arousing. This may involve tying your partner up, spanking your partner or dominating your partner. As long as no physical harm is inflicted upon either of the spouses, there are no restrictions to any such activities in Islam.
Food & Sex
Many people like to use food items to enhance their sexual relationships. As long as these edibles are not used in an inappropriate manner (i.e. wastage or virginal insertion, etc) There is no prohibition on their usage.
Masturbation Between Spouses
Mutual masturbation between partners is permissible in Islam. This means that either of the partners may use their bodies to pleasure the other.
Individual Masturbation
Masturbating oneself (alone) is highly disliked and sinful in Islam. All people of age who are capable to marry are recommended to marry in Islam. However if for whatever reasons the individual is unable to marry they must fast to contain their sexual desires. However if there is a need to masturbate to prevent oneself from committing an immediate sin (i.e. they are in a position where if they did not masturbate they would commit fornication) In that case it is permissible.
Drinking one's wife's milk, during foreplay or intercourse
The husband is not permitted to drink his wife’s milk because, in the words of imam al-Haskafi in al-Durr al-Mukhtar, quoting Sharh al-Wahbaniyya, ‘It is a part of a human being and to make use of it without a real need to do so is Haram’. [Radd al-Muhtar, 3:212, Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyya]. This a general rule in the sacred law: No part of a human being may be sold or used for nourishment or other ‘deriving of benefit’ (intifa’), beyond that which the Saced Law has permitted. The baby’s drinking the mother’s milk is an exception, based on textual permission, due to the ‘real need’ (durura) to do so.
Reading Sexual Advice
Reading sexual advice on matters pertaining to sex, (i.e. new sexual positions, etc) is permitted in Islam for the gaining of knowledge as long as it does not involve looking at pictures of naked people.
Homosexuality is strictly prohibited in Islam. Anyone partaking in such activities is cursed. If one finds such tendencies in themselves, they must take every step humanly possibly to prevent homosexual behavior. All scholars, schools of thoughts are unanimous on this stance.
Tran sexuality
Cross dressing is strictly forbidden in Islam and so is changing ones gender via cosmetic surgery or any other form!
This is a sexual mutation where the person born has both the male and female genitals. Human biology has revealed that the male and female sexual organs are developed from the same part of the fetus, it is only the difference between X and Y chromosomes which determine the gender of the fetus and thus the genitals are formed accordingly. However it is possible for a mutation to occur causing the fetus to develop both the sexual organs of both genders. In such cases either neither of the genitals work or one of them works partially. The standing of Islam on hermaphrodites is that they should be left alone to live out their lives - sexual relationships with them is not permissible. There is no punishment on hermaphrodites, and on the day of judgment they will be judged according to the way Allah created them. And Allah best understands the problems people faced on Earth.
There is such a wide variety of fetishes that it is beyond the scope of this article to name them all! Some common ones are: foot fetishes -where the individual is obsessed with feet. Undergarment fetishes - where the individual finds collecting undergarments sexually gratifying. Within this category, any activities which involve inflicting harm upon oneself are forbidden. Islam does not encourage such behavior, and such behavior obliviously points to an affixation with something and may be looked down upon. However there is no prohibition on such behavior either as long as it is not causing the person to cause harm upon themselves or others, become a perverted individual or causing social ills.
Pornography - Hardcore and soft-core materials
All forms of pornography are forbidden in Islam. One may not realize this, but the models used in such activities could easily have been their own family members! Pornography is basically just glorified prostitution and prostitution is forbidden in Islam. Thus to eradicate such a social ill from society, even observing of such things is forbidden in Islam.
Sexual Photography
Many couples like to take photographs of themselves, or even nude photographs of their spouses. This is a potential high risk to the privacy of the couple! Take the example of popular celebrities like Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee and their sex tapes becoming public. Thus it is highly advisable to avoid such things. However there is no prohibition on it.

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