
Wednesday, November 5, 2008




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Islam’s emphasis on cleanliness is a known fact to even little children of good Muslims homes cleanliness is half of Faith (Iman one hadith teaches us).

At the time of sexual intercourse, this aspect of Islam becomes even more emphatic. Physical cleanliness enhances spiritual purity.

Both the partners should preferably be in the state of wuzu.

As mentioned previously under the section on PREPARATION (See Chapter 4), the mouth should be cleansed thoroughly with miswaak or a brush at least. There cannot be a worse turn-off than bad breath and pungent odours. Those habituated to smoking should take extra precautions in this regard. The importance of this can be gauged from the masala of Shariah with regard to a person who has eaten onions or garlic entering the masjid. The Fuqaha (Rahimahumullah)(Jurists) have ruled that it is Prohibited for such a person to enter the majid! Reason: Because it is a cause of Takleef (discomfort) to the fellow-musallis. How important would it then be for husband and wife, who are constantly in each other proximity to maintain proper oral hygiene and not to cause abhorrence to each other by neglecting this important aspect of Taharah and cleanliness! Such neglect could be the cause of serious detriment to the marriage. It is such seemingly “insignificant” matters that become the root to broken homes and other marital discord.

It is also useful to apply it or scent as was the sunnah of our honourable Master Rasulullah (Sallahllahu-Alayhi-Wasallah). This will cause mutual attraction.


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